Aminet 43
Aminet 43 (2001)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2001].iso
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Text File
213 lines
Short: The Oscilloscope Project Disk 4A.
Author: wisecracker@tesco.net (Barry Walker).
Uploader: wisecracker@tesco.net (Barry Walker).
Type: hard/hack
Requires: Standard AMIGA A1200 or better.
WorkBench 3.0x, (this will work on Workbench 1.3x and above).
The ~NoFastMem~ program, (for A1200's with more than 2MB).
OCS, (ECS or AGA modes optional).
NTSC/PAL Television, (NTSC/PAL monitor optional).
An external floppy disk drive IS required.
The mouse IS required.
A Hard Disk Drive is optional.
The archived file length is 294733 Bytes.
Version: 1.00.00.
Distribution: PD, (Freeware).
This is Emailware:-
If you like these projects or have any comments to make then Email me
(Barry Walker) on:-
This will give me the incentive to carry on.
The legal stuff:-
These programs are the copyright of (C)2001 Barry Walker with all
rights reserved.
They are freeware and no profit will be made from them, also all of
the files must remain unaltered and intact including this one.
The author is not responsible for any damage to, or loss of, or
failure of equipment or data caused in any way by the use of these
Testing evaluation.
An A1200 with various memory configurations. This will probably NOT
work with fast accelerator cards.
There is 1 project in this archive:-
Prroject12) A Digital (Storage) Oscilloscope.
Stage1) Initial Construction Stage.
Stage2) and Stage3) drawers are empty at the moment.
Pictures) A ~320x512xHAM.iff~ of ~Stage1~ and part of ~Stage2~.
Scope) The running software.
Projects list so far in order of issue.
(These are in the ~hard/hack~ drawer.)
A) TestGear1.lha & TestGear1.readme:-
1) TestCard Generator.
2) Signal Injector.
3) Sine/Square Generator.
4) Pulse Generator.
B) TestGear2.lha & TestGear2.readme:-
5) Stereo LF Audio Function Generator.
6) Analogue to Digital Converter.
7) Audio Power Meter.
8) RF Probe, (Sniffer).
C) TestGear3.lha & TestGear3.readme:-
9) Logic Probe.
9A) Experimental version of Project9.
10) An RF Absorption Wattmeter.
11) An Oscilloscope Calibrator.
D) TestGear4A.lha & TestGear4A.readme:-
12) A Digital (Storage) Oscilloscope.
Stage1) Part Construction, A-D Converter and parallel port cable
Stage2) Part Construction should be available on 1-6-2001, the power
supplies, LOW battery detect circuits and the (AC),DC-100KHz
amplifier (uncalibrated).
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
628 268 57.3% 02-Apr-01 07:44:00 TestGear4.info
567 275 51.4% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +History
344 221 35.7% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +History.info
628 270 57.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Project12.info
628 266 57.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Pictures.info
120600 114669 4.9% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Board_Layout_HAM.iff
466 240 48.4% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Board_Layout_HAM.iff.info
628 269 57.1% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +PCB-Layouts.info
736 305 58.5% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Credits
344 218 36.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Credits.info
1008 503 50.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Warning
344 215 37.5% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Warning.info
2536 986 61.1% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +ReadMe
344 221 35.7% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +ReadMe.info
628 265 57.8% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Stage1.info
3076 1354 55.9% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Continuity_Tester
344 212 38.3% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Continuity_Tester.info
628 269 57.1% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Drawings.info
30410 6806 77.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Board_Bottom_1.drawing
466 242 48.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Board_Bottom_1.drawing.info
35586 9924 72.1% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Board_Top_1.drawing
466 243 47.8% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Board_Top_1.drawing.info
22264 4767 78.5% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Circuit_1.drawing
466 241 48.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Circuit_1.drawing.info
24808 4697 81.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Continuity_Tester.drawing
466 244 47.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Continuity_Tester.drawing.info
15855 5038 68.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Stage1_Info
344 216 37.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Stage1_Info.info
3606 1130 68.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Stage1_Parts_List
344 218 36.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Stage1_Parts_List.info
44452 21471 51.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Viewer
454 190 58.1% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Viewer.info
1554 673 56.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Viewer_Info
344 221 35.7% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Viewer_Info.info
1008 503 50.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Warning
344 219 36.3% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Warning.info
628 271 56.8% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Stage2.info
628 267 57.4% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Drawings.info
20944 4564 78.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Scope_Circuit_1A.drawing
466 241 48.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Scope_Circuit_1A.drawing.info
17608 3917 77.7% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Scope_Circuit_2.drawing
466 240 48.4% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Scope_Circuit_2.drawing.info
44452 21471 51.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Viewer
454 185 59.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Viewer.info
1008 503 50.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Warning
344 215 37.5% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Warning.info
628 268 57.3% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Stage3.info
628 258 58.9% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Drawings.info
44452 21471 51.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Viewer
454 186 59.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Viewer.info
1008 503 50.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Warning
344 215 37.5% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Warning.info
1008 503 50.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:56 +Warning
344 219 36.3% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Warning.info
830 363 56.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Projects
344 218 36.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Projects.info
3902 1705 56.3% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +ReadMe
1459 623 57.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +ReadMe-First
344 217 36.9% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +ReadMe-First.info
344 219 36.3% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +ReadMe.info
628 272 56.6% 02-Apr-01 07:44:00 +Scope.info
628 267 57.4% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +C.info
48 41 14.5% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Switch_to_NTSC
48 43 10.4% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Switch_to_PAL
628 269 57.1% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Calibrate.info
4526 1472 67.4% 02-Apr-01 07:44:00 +Calibration-Info
463 200 56.8% 02-Apr-01 07:44:00 +Calibration-Info.info
117 108 7.6% 02-Apr-01 07:44:00 +Calibration_1MB_A500
114 108 5.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Calibration_A1200_4MB_Fastram
111 108 2.7% 02-Apr-01 07:44:00 +Calibration_A600_2MB_Chipram
111 105 5.4% 02-Apr-01 07:44:00 +Calibration_A600_4MB_Fastram
102 98 3.9% 02-Apr-01 07:44:00 +Calibration_Standard_A1200
628 266 57.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Fonts.info
264 30 88.6% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +TestGear.font
1144 738 35.4% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +8
37292 10799 71.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Manual
344 222 35.4% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Manual.info
75324 31455 58.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Scope
25604 4299 83.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +Scope.iff
250 157 37.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +WB-1.3x
918 301 67.2% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +WB-1.3x.info
255 157 38.4% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +WB-2.xx_3.0x
918 302 67.1% 02-Apr-01 07:43:58 +WB-2.xx_3.0x.info
1008 503 50.0% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Warning
344 219 36.3% 02-Apr-01 07:43:54 +Warning.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
612618 289450 52.7% 02-Apr-101 10:39:12 85 files